Lopen Thinley Jamtsho

From Pemagatshel, Nanong,Gonpawong. Joined in SamtseDratshang,a monastic division of Drukpa tradition; at the age of eleven. Learned the basic monastic education starting from preliminary class up to eighth standard, including the spiritual dances, construction of mandalas and melodious chants. After completing it, in the year 2011, I went to Thimphu for higher Buddhist studies. I got admission in Simtokhashedra and started to study the Buddhist doctrines. Successively, I’ve studied in Tango Buddhist institute and DordenTashithang University under various accomplished mentors and completed all the mandatory studies. As exhorted by my gracious mentors, after the completion of theoretical Buddhist doctrines, I went to DrolungGonpa, the seat of GesheGedunRinchen, for meditation in 2019. Over there I’ve received the Mahamudraand Six Practices of Naropa from venerable Vajra Master of central monastic body of Bhutan. In the year 2024 I’ve completed the three-year meditation retreat and currently I’m working in a research division at DordenTashithang Buddhist University.